USCIS Starts Premium Processing for H-1B Petitions Today

USCIS Starts Premium Proc…

Today, June 10, 2019, USCIS will begin premium processing for the remaining fiscal year 2020 H-1B cap-subject petitions. Starting today, petitioners may file the request for premium processing, or the Form I-907, with the USCIS service center that is processing their petition.

In March, USCIS announced that they would offer premium processing in a two-phased approach this fiscal year. The purpose of this was to increase efficiency. In past years, premium processing had to be suspended due to high demand, and this two-phased approach has helped to fix this problem. The first phase started on May 20, 2019 and included all change of status petitions. The second phase starting today will include all other cap-subject petitions for fiscal year 2020.

In addition to the beginning of the second phase of premium processing, USCIS has also suspended the use of pre-paid mailers as of today. From June 10 to June 24, USCIS will be using regular mail to send final notices for premium processing for cap-subject H-1B petitions that are not requesting a change of status. This will help conserve time and resources at USCIS during this busy time.

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This information comes from a news release from the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA Doc. No. 19060708).