USCIS Plans to Revise Naturalization Test

USCIS Plans to Revise Nat…

USCIS recently announced a plan to revise the current naturalization test. In late 2018, USCIS formed a naturalization test revision working group who has since been reviewing and updating the naturalization test questions. This working group will also assess prospective changes to the speaking portion of the test. USCIS will pilot the new test this fall, and expects to implement the new test in late 2020 or early 2021.

In fiscal year 2018, USCIS naturalized 757,000 people which was a five-year high in new oaths of citizenship. USCIS is updating the test to provide the most current and relevant assessment possible. They are also working with professionals in the field of adult education to make the test fair and transparent. According to Section 312 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, candidates for naturalization need " understanding of the English language, including the ability to read, write, and speak words in ordinary usage in the English language..." and "knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, and of the principles and form of government, of the United States." The new test, like the current one, will assess these things and comply with all regulatory and statutory requirements.

For More Information:

Learn more about the plan to update the naturalization test here.

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This information comes from news releases from the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA Doc. No. 19071901).