July 2017 Adjustment of Status Filing Dates

Use the following Visa Bulletin charts to determine when to file your application for adjustment of status.

How do I use these charts?

  1. Find your visa type in the left-most column of the appropriate chart (family or employment based).
  2. Stay in that row and move to the right to find the date under the country of your birth.
  3. If you are otherwise eligible, and if the date of the chart is current ("C"), or if your priority date is earlier than the date on the chart, you may file your application.

What is my priority date?

Your priority date is typically the date when your sponsor or employer filed the immigrant visa petition for you. However, there may be a delay if the petition was filed improperly. If a labor certification was needed with your visa petition, the priority date is generally the date the labor certification application was accepted for processing.

The following charts contain filing date information from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Final Action Dates for Family-Sponsored Adjustment of Status Applications

Family-Sponsored All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed China- Mainland Born India Mexico Philippines
F1 22DEC10 22DEC10 22DEC10 15JAN96 15SEP06
F2A 08SEP15 08SEP15 08SEP15 22AUG15 08SEP15
F2B 01NOV10 01NOV10 01NOV10 01JUN96 01NOV06
F3 08JUL05 08JUL05 08JUL05 22MAR95 15DEC94
F4 08MAY04 08MAY04 22SEP03 01AUG97 15FEB94

Final Action Dates for Employment-Based Adjustment of Status Applications

Employment-Based All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed China- Mainland Born El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras India Mexico Philippines
1st C 01JAN12 C 01JAN12 C C
2nd C 22MAR13 C 22JUL08 C C
3rd 08JUN17 01JAN12 08JUN17 15FEB06 08JUN17 15MAY14
Other Workers 08JUN17 15JUL06 08JUN17 15FEB06 08JUN17 15MAY14
4th C C 15AUG15 15AUG15 15AUG15 C
Certain Religious Workers C C 15AUG15 15AUG15 15AUG15 C
5th Non-Regional Center (C5 and T5) C 08JUN14 C C C C
5th Regional Center (I5 and R5) C 08JUN14 C C C C

Categories: Immigration News