New Form I-130 Edition and Supplement

USCIS recently updated their website with a new Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. The new edition also includes a I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse and Beneficiary. USCIS will only accept the 2/27/17 edition, starting 4/28/17. If you use the 2/27/17 edition to file a petition for your spouse, you must also file the I-130A supplement.

You may choose to continue filing the 12/23/16 edition of the I-130 until the 4/27/17 deadline, but you must include two copies of G-325A. The two copies include one for the beneficiary and one for the petitioner.

Where can I find more information?

Follow this link for more information about the I-130. Follow this link for a complete list of form updates posted by USCIS.